Micro Thoughts.

Brief, sharp & random micro thoughts... updated randomly.

Why bother?

Too lazy to blog but need to express myself. In micro bursts, when the mood strikes and time permits.

Also testing out Brick (this platform) I am on now after sometime with fairly well known hosts and site builders for my blog. I have used different hosts etc... Wordpress both the .com and .org, then to other platforms like SquareSpace. While they have all the bells and whistles, they were too complex or they could be easier. So when I came upon this Notion like minimal CMS, I got into it.

This is micro blogging, so if you want something with a bit more meat; check out my Medium Page here.


Topics I write about (Click links to see more)

  1. Branding, Marketing & Advertising (click link to see more)
  2. Entertainment (click link to see more)
  3. Technology (click link to see more)



Full time generalist, part - time marketer, social observer, photo enthusiast, dabbler in the kitchen, wannabe traveler, coach and teacher.


I am here also

  1. On Facebook
  2. On Instagram
  3. On LinkedIn